Science = True


This is something that’s been on my mind in various ways for a long time, but it seems to me that these days having a grip on what is *actually true* is maybe extra important, and maybe top-of-mind enough that people will give it a think.

It’s funny (sad, but funny) that in an era in which we know more than we ever did, and within which knowledge is more accessible than ever, that it can seem so hard to know the right things.

But that is what science is for. That is what science IS. It is our best way to figure it out what is true. And that’s all it is.

Something to try: every time you read the word “science” try substituting it in your mind with “the best (and always improving) method we have for figuring out what is actually true”.

You can see why the word "science" sorta took-off more.


like anything else at all, science can be misused. But people will misuse anything (just ask any X-ray tech that works the ER) and it doesn't change the essential fact of the matter, and it remains absolutely critical to be able to separate this out in your mind.

People will misuse anything. Just ask any X-ray tech that works the ER.

Tell me you didn't think I was going to go another way with that picture.  And yes, that is Spongebob.

Tell me you didn't think I was going to go another way with that picture.  And yes, that is Spongebob.

There's more to it for sure, but -- if you do -- please stop thinking of science as something special, something different, or something that only applies to certain specialized subjects. It doesn't.

Thoughts about the post? Feel free to drop me a line.


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